Friday, April 22, 2016

Good Night Moon

Tonight I took the time to just lie in my hammock and stare at the moon. Of course, it looked a little bigger and better than it does here in this iPhone pic. I watched the breeze flitter and fluff the prayer flags. A breeze that might have once filled the sails of a Phoenician ship on its way with a load of trade cargo. I felt the cool kiss of that gentle wind against my skin, listened to the neighborhood dogs barking and the night birds singing, exchanging greetings and salutations, possibly flirting. It is spring. Felt the comfort of the enveloping canvas of the hammock.

And, because we're almost always thinking, pondered the poor souls who deny we've been to the moon. In my time, I've met several of the people who walked on its surface. The proof is in their eyes. They've been there.

It rides the night sky, a faint golden glow surrounding it tonight, like a fortune teller's crystal ball. As though, if one stared at it long enough, they might glimpse the future, or merely remember the past. And upon leaving the hammock recall a childhood storybook.....goodnight Moon.

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