Saturday, April 23, 2016

Alfred Hitchcock Birds

Took this pic and now for the life of me having trouble remembering much about it except I found all the birds in the tree fascinating. Sort of reminded me of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. This was a scary movie in our day, but with all the stuff the kids are exposed to now they think it's funny. It scared us. But then I was scared by Grandfather Clock on Captain Kangaroo when I was a youngster. The Captain would say, let's go wake up Grandfather Clock and I would shout NO! NO! Let's NOT wake up Grandfather Clock. In fact, I scare very easily. In college, a favorite activity of my roommate and suite mates was to scare me in one way or another. I'll just chalk it down to a very good imagination. Yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Back to the pic. I just thought there was something ominous about it? I'd like to say I planned the great additional image in the side view mirror.

I've been organizing some pictures in my DROPBOX, and as I mentioned in a previous post, they all have the specific dates on them. Apparently, I loved to take pics in 2013. Lots from that time period. That's three years past, and I wonder where they went. Many of the pics, it seems I just took days ago.

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