Saturday, April 9, 2016

Spring is now officially here

Looking back at the last few days, it appears I've gotten a little gloomy. So, earlier in the day, I decided when I sat down to write tonight's blog entry I would make it positive and cheerful. Pour a hot cup of matcha and as Monty Python said: Look on the Bright Side of Life.  I'm happy to report I can do that.

Small blessings. Barbara and I noticed today for the first time this spring it appears the swallows have returned from their winter vacation and appear to be ready for a summer of work raising their broods. Seems they're a little late, so don't know if they'll get as many raised this summer before the fall chill, but it seems they are preparing for the task ahead.

It's always cheerful to witness the little victories of mother nature amid what seems the overburden of negativity in the air of late. Enough. I promised to keep it upbeat. Last night's shower came with some free fireworks, but it was a shower and even left a couple of puddles to appreciate come this morning. Gave me a hankering to search for Vivaldi's The Four Seasons and "give it a spin" as we used to say back in the day. Or if you prefer, que up The Four Seasons "Let's Hang On" if that's more your cup of tea, and maybe you even prefer that black.

1 comment:

  1. A few years ago I was on my way home from Socorro after a weeklong NEA training at NM Tech. I was armed with a box lunch and soda, and was in no particular hurry to get home. I ended up sharing a covered picnic table with a mother swallow and her three little babes. Chicks. Birdlettes. What is a baby swallow called? Anyway, Mama watched me sit still and quiet as I ate my sandwich and soda lunch, then she eventually flew off to catch bugs and trusted me to look after her babes while she hunted. She even let me get close enough to take some photos of her precious babes with her perched close by and didn't even dive-bomb me for doing so. It was a lovely experience.



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