Monday, April 4, 2016

A Leaf in Time

If one looks carefully on the sidewalk near counseling at HHS you'll notice this modern fossil. When workers poured the sidewalk, a solitary leaf fell unnoticed, or maybe it was noted, and the individual laying the concrete left it on purpose. Sort of an inside joke. A subtle signature.

So, there it lays. The tree like a mischievous, adventurous child left its imprint for time. We all leave impressions on life, however subtle or direct they may be: in the forms of our children, maybe a major or minor work of art, a kind or telling act, a few memories set in the minds of those we encounter on this life's journey, a few escapades or interactions remembered fondly or with a shudder by family, friends, and others we interface with daily.  As minor as it may be, or as fleeting, we all change the flow of time during our brief journey.

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