Sunday, March 6, 2016


One sees posts from people berating others, or other, for not doing enough for them, or that "one thing they needed". Narcissus has crept into the hearts of many, nowadays, and it blasts out of a lot of social media posts. Some of it is society's fault. We have been in a phase of building people's egos up believing that helps to create a better, confidant person. But it might be more important, from day one, for each of us to realize we are not the center of the world. That we do not live in the Truman show. The world has been around eons longer than us. We a mere grain of sand on a beach, which is a mere speck of star dust in a universe, a cosmos, a galaxy, the mind of god

Narcissistic individuals love the pronoun (I). To please the self-centered, one must accept them with all their warts, but you may have none. You did not do this for me! You did not do that for me! But what have we done for them? A seesaw takes two to make it work joyfully. Only a slide is play for an individual, and it only travels down. Occasionally, and ironically, some narcissists even detest themselves. Believe even their own spirit is unlovable and tear it down with self loathing, unlovable actions, miserly deeds. There must be realistic self love, personal respect? If you truly believe no one cares about you, how much have you cared about yourself or others?

Narcissists see everything filtered through their wants, needs, and desires. Others merely exist to keep them comfortable, loved and happy. We are all bit players to enhance their starring role. They don't seem to realize that, to be loved, shouldn't one first love? It bares repeating and is. If they would occasionally put other's wants, needs, and desires above their own it might come back to benefit them, if only in the satisfaction that they have helped another. Is there any greater satisfaction?

All of us would benefit from performing a background check on ourselves. Do we contribute more than we partake? Do we love more than we are loved? Do we utilize other pronouns besides I, me, mine, and myself? Do we judge? Are we right in that judgement? Were we put here to enhance all life, or merely indulge in narcissism? It's something to meditate on...

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