Monday, March 21, 2016

Bottomless lake temporary sanctuary...

A scene from Bottomless Lakes west of Roswell on a summer day a couple of years back. Salt domes caved in below and then filled with groundwater. There are several lakes averaging about 100 ft. deep, but that would seem bottomless to all but a decent scuba diver. The largest lake, further south is said to have a Model T resting on the bottom. Supposedly, driven over the edge long ago.

When the Goodnight Loving Trail went through here, cowboys had to keep the cattle away from these because the water is beautiful but brackish.

I stopped here and took this one day riding my Honda back from the motorcycle repair shop and enjoyed meditating beneath a salt cedar. The stillness. The summer sun. My refuge on the shore gazing out at this body of water nestled here on the edge of the Caprock.

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