Friday, March 4, 2016

A rediscovered apple tree

I did not even remember this picture. This apple tree died years back and is now a stump with a bear sculpture sitting on it. Life truly is change. A deadfall apple. A sprig pushing up through the soil. A flourishing apple tree with fruit. Crab apples so they were just thrown to the neighbor's goats but they enjoyed them. The goats gone now also. Now that stump that will eventually decay and rejoin the soil. Earth that was once likely trod by bison less than two hundred years ago. When I'm through with my occupation the land will still be here serving some future purpose.

Together alone. Alone together.

Lots of change going on right now globally, nationally, statewide and personally. It can become overwhelming for all of us. Trials and tribulations. The stages of life keep showing themselves. Birth, life, death. We all have problems to the extent that sometimes we focus on ours and forget others are probably trying to stay afloat themselves.

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