Saturday, May 14, 2016

Spring Tiptoes in....

This has been a slow, staggered spring. This pic is actually from a previous one. As I write this, it has been a cooler than normal day for this far along in May. But Barbara and I have both been out puttering in the yard. I've done some pruning. She's been working on our small garden with tomato and squash plants still just a few inches off the ground. One of our little dogs, Emily, has decided this is the perfect time to mouse hunt in the garden, so often we have to fill in a freshly dug hole. And that quandary comes up that's similar to other ones like why does one lose one sock in the dryer? Usually find one shoe by the side of the road not two. Why the moon always looks larger when it's nearer the horizon. That just as perplexing one: why is there always less dirt to put back in the hole than came out of it?

From human activity, spring is more obvious. Students in college and high school are holding end of the year band and chorus concerts, awards banquets and graduation events. More people are outside and shopping at the garden supply section of stores. Soon schools will be out and it will be Memorial Day weekend which everyone takes as the starting pistol of the summer race. Pools will open and we'll all be complaining about how extraordinarily hot it is with utterings about why is it taking so long to really warm up long forgotten.

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