Wednesday, May 11, 2016



We all wear them---
different ones for disparate
occasions to avoid feeling truly naked.

We don one to show to loved ones
maybe it's a smiling mask
but not always.

We've another for the various people
we work with; some see one mask
others another. Some feel
they see beneath our mask; others may be completely fooled
and accept the outward shield.

We protect ourselves with a certain one
when danger is perceived.

Yet, maybe we let ours slip a little
when we feel willing to open up to a particular soul. Maybe
sensing we've glimpsed, momentarily
beneath theirs.

Our mind, divided into various compartments
even shows masks to the others. The ID,
the Ego, the Superego all ensconced
behind their comfortable, individual veneer.
Though, occasionally the mask may slide to one side
allowing one member of the triad to see another.

We even attempt to wear a particular mask
from our version of an outside spirit; our particular god, as if trusting
we may even hide from omniscience
by donning a leather mask of subservience or love
while beneath lurks something far from obsequiousness.

Maybe in sleep, for a few hours
we might relax the string tie of our particular mask of the moment
and travel through our dreams behind our true face,
or maybe even there we hide behind the protection of metaphor.

Maybe that's why the word naked holds so much power,
naked, our mask dropping from our face
to reveal our true countenance.
                                                                                                         The one we guard so protectively
behind all those various masks.



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