Friday, February 26, 2016

Tedious relationships

Venturing into the world of human relationships, there is wheat, but there is also chaff. One often hears of toxic human relationships, but googling the word "tedious" finds that that particular sort of interconnection seems, to this writer, to be more prevalent nowadays. That relationship where you must do all the work. Build their ego up. Often at the whittling down of your own. Not being met even close to half way in give and take. They can express any opinion and you still "want" to find common ground or not give up, so you allow yourself to concede to their wants and desires; if you express an honest concern or feeling they berate you or lay a guilt trip on you making it hard to penetrate their narcissistic shield. I believe even wise sages have recommended avoiding or lessoning those type relationships even though that decision comes with a certain guilt that must be dealt with--once again, by the aggrieved party.

Article on tedious relationships

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