Thursday, February 25, 2016

Late nite diatribe

The native plants are revealing signs of spring growth. Possibly, winter may be easing out.
                                 Spring season awakening dormant nature.

Tonight, a brief respite from trials and tribulations of trying to please this one and that. Brief. Visited with a fellow writer for a few moments---minutes of pleasurable human communication stitched into the evening's fabric. Sharing a few stories of past history. What was that? You have a past. Probably why we find great writers so valuable. They pierce the fog of non-communication however briefly with such finesse.

Seems to be a tremendous amount of negativity in the air. Everyone appears so angry: nationally, regionally, locally, individually. Everyone with the ability to air their grievances to the world with harsh words or angry actions. Yet, ironically, so many individuals ensconced in their private spaces: through the day, every other person staring into the window of their cell phones...walking, holding them forward like diviner rods, lost to their surroundings. Mounting their automobiles with their tinted windows, rushing toward their destination? Anonymity making it so much easier to be irate and indignant on the web and on the road. Rushing. Sliding through stop signs. Passing others impatiently. Me first. Me first. Me and mine first. 

So many problems that appear so vital at the present time flame up momentarily but will fade into obscurity after all of us gave them too much importance today...

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