In Japanese art and culture there exists a term for beauty in imperfection. The all-too-perfect may get boring. The reason that movie star with the mole on her cheek captured us more than a flawless one. The reason the priest threw a handful of leaves back on the newly swept sidewalk after the novice had dutifully swept it spotless. The reason for shadows in pictures. The rationale which often inspires us to find a sinner far more interesting than a saint? Thus, Billie the Kid Casino and not Mother Teresa Casino? The reason Shakespeare's Blank Verse is not PERFECT unrhymed iambic pentameter but strays now and again to give it character.
The beauty of a pinto horse, a field with one lone tree, a rotting, pine log sprouting several yellow, pulpy mushrooms.
The interest in one extra day that's only added to our calendar almost every four years, but not quite (look it up).................... the beauty of wabi-sabi.