Saturday, June 18, 2016



Doubtless, a hundred years have passed since this ship sailed the seas off the coast of India. Its voyages, probably few ever recorded, ethereal now. Like that old saying that one cannot step into the same river twice, its wakes have long dissipated into the myriad past waves. This ship merely a ghost which left its image on this ancient traveler's film several generations ago. Who knows if it disappeared in a tropical storm, rotted away in a dock somewhere when it decayed to the point that it could no longer perform its function, or was dry docked and its timbers and canvas distributed to other uses. Its captain and crew existing only as faint memories in the minds of kith and kin. To us, mere imaginings we might weave gazing upon this old photograph. None on the ship probably even knew they were captured in that moment, on that day, at that particular place in the ever changing sea.

We all take our voyage on the blue marble. Some have trips where they make more of an impression on Time's passage than this ship and crew. Others, may leave even less of a trace.

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